Hey people! :) It's New Year's EVE! Wowwwwwww...
Few hours before 2012 comes to an end..are you excited?!
Have you prepared your new year's resolutions? :)
Kita mesti ada DREAM in life! betul kan?? tipu la kalau tak ada something yang kita nak achieve dalam hidup ni.. each and every 1 of us MUST have a DREAM :) sometimes kita cakap kat orang yang kita kenal, sometimes tak cakap langsung, kan??
No problem! Kita maybe tak cakap but kita sendiri tahu yang kita ada goal! Ada target yang kita nak capai...
Apapun target kita, resolusi yang kita nak capai; make sure it's something good! something that worth it and most important is IT MUST OBEY THE RULES! ;') *peringatan untuk diri sendiri
Aku ada LONG LIST for New Year's Resolutions..hahaha..
Some of it, nak jadi 'LIGHT HOUSE' for my family... parents maybe tak mengharapkan apa2 dari kita but it's our responsibility to give back to them.
Walaubagaimanapun, memang tak mampu la kan nak membalas jasa parents; mana mungkin apa kita lakukan cukup untuk membalas pengorbanan parents untuk kita :') they've sacrificed a lot!
There's 1 thing that touched me so much; it's a situation in our own house... Daddy was taking out his wallet, gimme an amount of money..I refused to take it & I said, "I'm doing Herbalife right now, I have my pocket money..you can keep the money, dad coz u might need it more than me."
But daddy replied softly, "It's okay, I do have some savings. Take it, IT'S MY RESPONSIBILITY TO GIVE YOU POCKET MONEY COZ I'M YOUR DAD."
Seriously, it touched me a lot! A feeling that can't be explain by words... It makes me think, if I'm not start working hard right now; what should I do if daddy needs an amount of money soon.. I don't have the gut to say right in front of him, "I'm sorry,dad. I don't have enough money to give you." My goodness, I CAN'T SAY THAT!
So, there's no other way out...all I have to do is WORK!WORK! AND WORK!
Another 1 is I WANNA BE A Global Expansion Team Member 2013! (p/s: sapa baca entri ni, tolong doakan ya..terima kasih.)
Maksudnya aku kena work harderrrrrrrrrrr...kena tolong diri sendiri, family & ramai orang di luar sana jadi lebih sihat.. :) sebab tu misi nutrisi; MAKING THE WORLD HEALTHIER.
Tak kira apapun tanggapan orang luar tentang Herbalife, NO PROBLEM! Kalau niat kita bekerja tu baik, Tuhan akan tunjukkan jalan. God will make a way where there seems to be no way. Believe in Him. All we have to do are WORK, WORK, WORK!!! FOCUS, FOCUS, FOCUS!!! PRAY, PRAY, PRAY!!! GO PRESIDENT TEAM!!! :)
Kadangkala bila kita melakukan sesuatu dengan niat yang baik, cukuplah sekiranya hanya kita & Tuhan sahaja yang tahu..
Resolusi korang macam mana??? Dah list down semua?? Maybe ada yang nak lose weight, nak earn side income, nak jadi lebih sihat, nak tolong ringankan beban parents... If korang ada salah satu resolusi tu, feel free to contact me... Let me be your Personal Wellness Coach in 2013 ;)
Manage weight (maintain, gain or lose weight) & earn side income (part time or full time),
CHRISTINE : 0145835355
FB: Christine Sangan
*Time to decorate my DREAM BOARD for 2013!* ;)