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Monday, 28 October 2013

~Story of Sebaceous Cyst~

Hello readers! ;)
Have you had your shake today?

My healthy and nutritious breakfast!!
(hehe...kebetulan cantik je kt 1 side of the table, kuar camera snap je la ;) )

Hari ni suddenly rasa nak share about sebaceous cyst...sebab some people asked me about it.
I've had that kind of cyst few years back.
True sebaceous cysts are less common, and they arise from the glands that secrete oily matter that lubricates hair and skin (sebaceous glands). Once the action of sebaceous glands is blocked, the possibility of sebaceous cyst formation is expected...haaa...tak ramai orang yang dapat cyst ni.huhu....tapi still la kena ambil tahu rasanya for extra knowledge.
Maybe ada yang tahu pasal cyst ni, maybe ada yang tak pernah bukan tipu2, some of my friends pernah tengok parut operation cyst ni...cuma tak boleh nak exposed on my entry since I've had it on my sternum area which is easier to say just below my breast area.
Hoishhh,,,takkan nak show of kat sini kot.haha...
Back to the stories, actually cyst tu dah mula timbul seingat aku masa umur 15. Tapi sebab aku ni dulu2 jenis yang tak ambil kisah, I ignored it...siap buat assumption tu ada JERAWAT BATU!
Lawak la sangat bila kat sternum area ada jerawat batu! >.<
BUT after 2 years, it starts to swollen and became painful until I can't go out since I can't put on my bra! So ladies maybe some of u can imagine how painful it was...kalau sakit minor2 je, of course boleh pakai lagi bra. Bengkaknya semakin besar...area yang kemerah-merahan pun dah include few part of breast area.
From some readings, aku jumpa

"Sebaceous cysts most often arise from swollen hair follicles. Skin trauma can also induce a cyst to form. A sac of cells is created into which a protein called keratin is secreted. They are usually slow- growing, painless, freely movable lumps beneath the skin. Occasionally, however, a cyst will become inflamed and tender."

So from that boleh tahu dah kenapa within those 2 years tak rasa's like something yang tumbuh saja2 from inside of the body. That large cyst became painful at last! The pain that I can't stand. Bayangkan since I was in Form 3 then after habis SPM baru bendanya start nak swollen...
If u have this kind of problem, tolong la jangan buat tak layan je macam aku...takyah bajet cool sebab at one stage nanti mesti cyst tu akan jadi infected! Better jumpa doktor cepat2.

"If the lump becomes infected or inflammed, other symptoms may include:
Skin redness, tender or sore skin and warm skin in the affected area."

Berbalik kepada cerita selepas infection berlaku...
Sakitnya hanya Tuhan yang tahu...sebab cyst tu dah sangat teruk infected....mula2 pergi clinic but doktor tak berani ambil risiko so dia referkan ke hospital! At that time, baru la tersedar yang memang kena buat emergency operation!

Lagi sakit bila doktor dah inject ubat bius tapi it doesnt work on me! T_T
Siap inject 5 kali...can u imagine that?aku macam dibedah hidup2...terasa isi tu dikorek dalam2.
Tapi jangan salahkan doktor, it might due to serious infection dan area tu memang dah sedia sakit dan bengkak..That emergency operation took about an hour and half rasanya.

Bila cerita kat entry ni, start terbayang balik betapa sakitnya masa tu...nangis dari hospital sampai rumah..sebab doktor cakap tak payah masuk wad, boleh tidur kat rumah.
Bila dah operate, lebih kurang macam ni la yang doktor berjaya korek keluar..

Doktor kata even dah siap operate and keluarkan cyst tu, tak ada jaminan pun yang cyst tu takkan tumbuh balik!
So solution yang aku ada is by taking Herbalife nutrition on order to prevent the cyst from coming back.
Kenapa pilih Herbalife?
Actually mula2 untuk sihat je since Herbalife ni cellular nutrition, selamat untuk semua orang consume...just tukar sarapan pagi...then start rasa cam ada extra energy...dah tak ada problem with hormone imbalance, migrain yang dulu hampir setiap hari attack aku pun dah hilang...hehe...part paling best bila ter"lose weight' jugak.
Thanks God it's been almost 2 years taking Herbalife nutrition, no symptoms of that sebaceous cyst anymore. Hopefully it can be prevented forever.
I've made a right choice! Not to consume this Herbalife products alone, I shared it with my family...each and everyone of us dah ada testimoni sendiri...sangat seronok!
The BEST GIFT that you can give to your family is HERBALIFE!
Kalau nak sihat, jangan sihat won't be so much fun! Ajak ahli keluarga dan orang2 yang kita sayang sihat bersama :) 
Herbalife ni nutrisi selular yang semua peringkat umur boleh consume.. :)
It's so true that some people like me have a reason why I choose Herbalife, so please don't judge any Herbalife consumers because u might not know their story :)

Looking for a solution to gain weight, lose weight or maintain weight? 
Need nutrition for your health?

Contact me now: 0145835355, 0128714850

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