Hello readers :)
Common question, have you had your shake today?
Hehe...this entry suddenly pops-out of my mind few days ago, but it takes me more than a day to complete it.. :)
Actually fenomena "member" aku kata ni long time ago selalu terjadi pada aku..I'm too busy listening & pleasing others. Sampai kat ! point where I realised that I shouldn't do that anymore...I should stop keep pleasing other, I should learn how to please God more.
Ni la contohnya...Member aku kata:
Member A: "Kau nanti ambik course apa kat university?...member aku kata, course ni susah, tak bagus.."
Member B: "Eh..kau dapat sambung belajar kat U ___ tu ke?hoishh..member aku kata jauh la tempat tu,hutan pulak sekelilingnya. Serius ke kau nak pegi sana?"
Hahaha..ni aku tak cakap la pasal orang lain nye stories kan, ni antara soalan yang member aku penah kata kat aku..masa tu quite distracted jugak, susah nak buat pilihan..sebab ikut sangat apa orang kata. Too much "what if" on my mind..
Kadangkala aku terlupa Tuhan sedang merencanakan sesuatu yang lebih baik bila Dia tempatkan aku di sesuatu tempat baru yang mungkin jauh dari segala kemudahan yang lengkap..bila tengok2 balik, sebenarnya Tuhan nak aku belajar untuk keluar dari COMFORT ZONE! :') kena move out!!! Tak boleh sentiasa selesa..dekat2 ngan family! Kena jugak belajar jadi totally independent.
...kena go through some challenges because God is the best planner..when you have faith in God, you can overcome all the obstacles. With God, things might not be too easy BUT He will provide you strength to stay strong all the way.. :') Rasanya semua agama sentiasa ajar kita untuk bersangka baik pada Tuhan..Thanks God.
Everything starts with BELIEVE!
Sekarang kan zaman berteknologi canggih, sebelum kita percaya semua yang orang kata...apa kata kalau kita cari inisiatif untuk do some research, analyse sendiri..when we want to believe in something, we need to believe in ourselves. Takkan la semua perkara pun nak ikut apa orang kata kan?
For those yang always listen to others...try to think back..talk to God for HE will always be the best one to help you decide!
When it comes to Herbalife pulak...bila promote bout products to someone yang kita rasa memerlukannya untuk ubah kehidupan, manage weight & improve health...terus dapat bermacam-macam feedback, ada yang negatif ada jugak yang positif. Contohnya "member" aku kata, dia jadi kurus tapi lepas stop consume Herbalife tak boleh makan banyak benda sebab takut gemuk balik.
Then ada pulak yang kata, aku tak nampak logik berat badan boleh turun dalam beberapa hari..
Hmmm..just nak beritahu yang Personal Wellness Coach will teach you how to eat right..as far as I know, you still can eat pizza, fried chicken, ice cream, cakes once in a while. It's just that you should take them in small portion. Kena ubah sikit kot mind-set tu..
Pasal penurunan berat badan, tak pernah dijanjikan pun bila you consume Herbalife products confirm2 boleh turun berat sampai 10kg dalam masa sebulan..ada je yang turun 10kg dalam masa 3-4 bulan. sebenarnya semua tu depends dengan usaha kita, result for every indiduals are typical. Makan la banyak mana pun...10 set produk ke..kalau tak disiplin, memang takkan dapat resultnye.. Herbalife ni cuma nutrisi selular, bukannya ubat kurus. :) That's why kita ada 3 program dalam Herbalife, naik berat, turun berat atau tukar sarapan untuk sihat sahaja.
Count your calories intake :)
Nampak tak logiknye kat sini kenapa boleh lose weight dengan Herbalife?
If masih ragu-ragu nak consume products Herbalife sebab macam-macam benda yang "member aku kata" bout the products...no problem, if you serious just try to find out what do you need to do & what you should know bout the whole products.
Who We Are
We are a GLOBAL NUTRITION COMPANY that has helped people pursue healthy, active lives since 1980. Our products are available exclusively through approximately 2.5 million independent Distributors in more than 80 countries. (sekarang dah ada di 88 buah negara, kalau you dah sign up jadi Independent Distributor maksudnya boleh buat bisnes la kat 88 negara ni..hehe...best ke best???)
Proven Business Opportunity
You can earn part-time income or pursue a full-time business opportunity as an Herbalife Independent Distributor. (tak ada pun cakap wajib buat bisnes, semua ni terpulang kepada decision individu tu sendiri. Sebab tu kita invite new people datang Customer Day a.k.a HOM, STS..bukan sebab nak kaut keuntungan...company tak bayar pun even if kita jemput 100 orang datang)
Our Products
Herbalife protein shakes and snacks, vitamins and dietary supplements, energy and fitness drinks, skin and hair care products, combined with healthy eating and exercise, can help you lead a healthy, active life. (kita tak pernah claim pun produk Herbalife ni boleh menyembuhkan segala jenis penyakit..ni just nutrition for a better life!)
Community Involvement
We make a difference by providing good nutrition to kids in need through our Casa
Herbalife program. Herbalife Independent Distributors and Herbalife employees play an active role in communities around the world.
Pernah ada "member" aku kata orang yang buat Herbalife ni bukan ikhlas pun nak tolong orang jadi sihat, just nak duit je...tapi kenapa aku nak ambil peduli kan?? Bisnes ni bisnes diri sendiri, kalau kita betul2 ikhlas just go on! Tak payah ambil kira pun statements negatif dari orang sekeliling...dia cakap je pun, dia tak buat Herbalife kan? :) so ingat misi & visi dalam Herbalife; just kindly smile to those negative people & say NO PROBLEM! simple kan? ;)
Must WATCH this video :')
If you don't really know what Herbalife is all about, please don't simply judge us..bukan hanya dalam Herbalife, in real life pun we don't have any right to judge something or someone before we get to know them well. :)
Nak tengok semua peluang yang ada dalam Herbalife, nak buktikan kata2 "member" tu betul ke tak kena la hadir ke any customer day yang terdekat dengan your place.
I'm still looking for SERIOUS people who is still interested to improve health, manage weight with nutrition; earn side income from RM200-2000 monthly (part-time or full time); feel free to contact me ;)
P/s: SERIOUS people only...for those without any coach.