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Friday 1 November 2013

How do you overcome your stress?

Hello everyone!
This week has been a hectic week...
Fuhhhh...thanks God, days past by and now it's weekend! :)

It's such a relief.teehee~ ;)
Suddenly the idea pops-out in my mind...
So entri kali ni nak cerita how to deal with stress!
Normal sangat la kalau student2 stress ni...hahaha
Mana nak settlekan homework, tetiba dapat assignment berlambak....kalau bebudak course sains confirm2 la banyak lab report! Boleh rasa nak pengsan kannnnn?? Apatah lagi kalau ditambah dengan tests & quizzes?
Tapi bukan student je yang stress...orang2 yang bekerja pun mesti ada stress diorang sendiri..situation je lain2 kan?hehe..
Each and every one of us surely ada cara tersendiri nak overcome just simple sharing on how I overcome my stress.

Have you ever did this? :)

Pernah tak rasa bila stress tu macam nak rebel je? Kadang2 cam nak marah semua orang...padahal diorang tak buat salah pun..haiyohhhh..buruknya perangai dulu2.
Huu~dulu2 aku macam tu jugak..but now kena la lebih matang la...silap2 hari bulan marah2 orang then kena marah balik, memang padan muka la.
Kenapa kena betul2 control stress ni? Kena refer gambar kat bawah...actually banyak lagi effects of stress, ni some of the effects..nak tau yang lain2, kena focus to read more. 

OMG....must read this! It's NO JOKE! :o

How do I overcome my stress?
1st thing I need to do is PRAYING.
Tiada satu apa pun yang lebih hebat menguasai kuasa Tuhan kan?
Don’t expect your life to be perfect. Don't try to do more than you can handle.
Think about challenging situations you've gone through in the past and how you survived. You made it through those challenges and you can make it through your present concerns. :')
Instead of worrying over our problems, further compounding our anxiety and stress, the Bible recommends taking everything to God in prayer.
For sure, agama lain pun macam tu kan? :) 

Basically memang bila stress level aku meningkat, consumption of Herbalife nutrition memang banyak!
I really need all of Herbalife nutrition.
Ni antara produk wajib yang HARUS sentiasa ada...

Star of Herbalife's product : Formula 1 STRAWBERRY! (my all-time favourite)

Herbal Aloe Concentrate

Herbalife's Clarifying Mask & Soothing Gel

Kalau dah terlampau stress, aku selalu lose appetite dan kadang2 memang terkejar-kejar masa, tak sempat makan..tapi no problem! Formula 1 strawberry tu boleh jadi meal replacement...simple je...beli air sejuk, bancuh shake..terus siap, boleh minum! Kenapa minum shake strawberry? Kalau Herbalife consumer yang suka strawberry flavour ni, mesti diorang dapat rasa kesan minum shake strawberry tu dalam reducing stress level! Besides that aku consume untuk kesihatan kulit juga. Kulit aku memang sensitif...kena jaga betul2. Then selalunya memang aku bawa la jugak Herbal Aloe Concentrate tu dalam beg, tak kira mana nak pergi...biasanya aku minum direct from bottle, untuk sebulan tu aku perlu 2-3 botol Herbal Aloe Concentrate ni for self-consumption..Herbal Aloe Concentrate ada extract chamomile untuk tolong kurangkan ke best? BEST sangat!!!! untuk kesihatan usus juga, bila usus bersih, kulit pun cantik je..glowing2.
Haha...see, Herbalife's inner nutrition bukan ubat kurus je!
Produk lain pun consume jugak...teamix, omega3 fish oil, calcium plus, NW Formula, NRG tea :)
Next wajib la ada outer nutrition Herbalife: clarifying mask & soothing I've mentioned before..KULIT SENSITIF!
Untuk avoid jerawat2 stress daripada tumbuh dengan sesuka hatinya kat muka, aku guna claryfying mask + soothing gel setiap hari!
Aku suka sebab rasa kulit tu bersih sangat lepas guna mask...kalau assignment berlambak, confirm2 tak cukup masa nak jaga2, sayang2 kulit muka sendiri..
Tapi sebab ada mask ni, aku tak risau...sapu je kat muka sambil2 siapkan assignment...dah 15 minit, gi la cuci muka sekejap..hehe...senang kan?
Sambil2 jalan ke bilik air tu, boleh la tengok2 pokok2 hijau kat luar bilik...tak la asyik menghadap kertas dan laptop je kan.

Okay...last sekali, STAY CALM & THINK POSITIVE.

Let's JUST LOOK into the POSITIVE side!

Relaxation self talk tu selalu jugak aku try cakap kat diri sendiri tentang benda2 positif je...boleh la kira cam pujuk hati sendiri..haha.
Just remind diri sendiri, kalau kita rasa stress sebab banyak kerja...mesti kawan2 lain pun sama. Fikir yang baik2 saja... :) kalau fikir negatif2, nanti takda la solution untuk overcome stress it leads to decrease stress symptom, improve mood and we will then show positive behavioral response ;)
Yeayyy..mood dah okay, kita happy balik!
Beneficial thoughts in my point of view is through religious side :)
It can be a reminder that our lives have drifted away from God. It might be an indicator that we have stopped depending upon Him daily for strength.
Other than that, kadang2 aku fikir stress ni ajar untuk dealing with our own feeling...macam mana nak control anger. Biasa la kalau stress kan senang nak marah2...tapi kena la fikir macam orang dewasa, takkan sebab kita stress kita nak marah2 kat orang lain kan?

Teehee~ This is CUTE!

Huhu...sekian saja entri kali cuma perkongsian. Semoga apa yang baik dapat kita praktikkan untuk berubah ke arah kebaikan..semoga dapat manfaat semua! Terima kasih sebab membaca :)
Sekiranya anda mencari solusi untuk overcome stress dengan nutrisi, contact la saya laju2...saya sedia membantu!

CHRISTINE : 0145835355, 0128714850

Monday 28 October 2013

~Story of Sebaceous Cyst~

Hello readers! ;)
Have you had your shake today?

My healthy and nutritious breakfast!!
(hehe...kebetulan cantik je kt 1 side of the table, kuar camera snap je la ;) )

Hari ni suddenly rasa nak share about sebaceous cyst...sebab some people asked me about it.
I've had that kind of cyst few years back.
True sebaceous cysts are less common, and they arise from the glands that secrete oily matter that lubricates hair and skin (sebaceous glands). Once the action of sebaceous glands is blocked, the possibility of sebaceous cyst formation is expected...haaa...tak ramai orang yang dapat cyst ni.huhu....tapi still la kena ambil tahu rasanya for extra knowledge.
Maybe ada yang tahu pasal cyst ni, maybe ada yang tak pernah bukan tipu2, some of my friends pernah tengok parut operation cyst ni...cuma tak boleh nak exposed on my entry since I've had it on my sternum area which is easier to say just below my breast area.
Hoishhh,,,takkan nak show of kat sini kot.haha...
Back to the stories, actually cyst tu dah mula timbul seingat aku masa umur 15. Tapi sebab aku ni dulu2 jenis yang tak ambil kisah, I ignored it...siap buat assumption tu ada JERAWAT BATU!
Lawak la sangat bila kat sternum area ada jerawat batu! >.<
BUT after 2 years, it starts to swollen and became painful until I can't go out since I can't put on my bra! So ladies maybe some of u can imagine how painful it was...kalau sakit minor2 je, of course boleh pakai lagi bra. Bengkaknya semakin besar...area yang kemerah-merahan pun dah include few part of breast area.
From some readings, aku jumpa

"Sebaceous cysts most often arise from swollen hair follicles. Skin trauma can also induce a cyst to form. A sac of cells is created into which a protein called keratin is secreted. They are usually slow- growing, painless, freely movable lumps beneath the skin. Occasionally, however, a cyst will become inflamed and tender."

So from that boleh tahu dah kenapa within those 2 years tak rasa's like something yang tumbuh saja2 from inside of the body. That large cyst became painful at last! The pain that I can't stand. Bayangkan since I was in Form 3 then after habis SPM baru bendanya start nak swollen...
If u have this kind of problem, tolong la jangan buat tak layan je macam aku...takyah bajet cool sebab at one stage nanti mesti cyst tu akan jadi infected! Better jumpa doktor cepat2.

"If the lump becomes infected or inflammed, other symptoms may include:
Skin redness, tender or sore skin and warm skin in the affected area."

Berbalik kepada cerita selepas infection berlaku...
Sakitnya hanya Tuhan yang tahu...sebab cyst tu dah sangat teruk infected....mula2 pergi clinic but doktor tak berani ambil risiko so dia referkan ke hospital! At that time, baru la tersedar yang memang kena buat emergency operation!

Lagi sakit bila doktor dah inject ubat bius tapi it doesnt work on me! T_T
Siap inject 5 kali...can u imagine that?aku macam dibedah hidup2...terasa isi tu dikorek dalam2.
Tapi jangan salahkan doktor, it might due to serious infection dan area tu memang dah sedia sakit dan bengkak..That emergency operation took about an hour and half rasanya.

Bila cerita kat entry ni, start terbayang balik betapa sakitnya masa tu...nangis dari hospital sampai rumah..sebab doktor cakap tak payah masuk wad, boleh tidur kat rumah.
Bila dah operate, lebih kurang macam ni la yang doktor berjaya korek keluar..

Doktor kata even dah siap operate and keluarkan cyst tu, tak ada jaminan pun yang cyst tu takkan tumbuh balik!
So solution yang aku ada is by taking Herbalife nutrition on order to prevent the cyst from coming back.
Kenapa pilih Herbalife?
Actually mula2 untuk sihat je since Herbalife ni cellular nutrition, selamat untuk semua orang consume...just tukar sarapan pagi...then start rasa cam ada extra energy...dah tak ada problem with hormone imbalance, migrain yang dulu hampir setiap hari attack aku pun dah hilang...hehe...part paling best bila ter"lose weight' jugak.
Thanks God it's been almost 2 years taking Herbalife nutrition, no symptoms of that sebaceous cyst anymore. Hopefully it can be prevented forever.
I've made a right choice! Not to consume this Herbalife products alone, I shared it with my family...each and everyone of us dah ada testimoni sendiri...sangat seronok!
The BEST GIFT that you can give to your family is HERBALIFE!
Kalau nak sihat, jangan sihat won't be so much fun! Ajak ahli keluarga dan orang2 yang kita sayang sihat bersama :) 
Herbalife ni nutrisi selular yang semua peringkat umur boleh consume.. :)
It's so true that some people like me have a reason why I choose Herbalife, so please don't judge any Herbalife consumers because u might not know their story :)

Looking for a solution to gain weight, lose weight or maintain weight? 
Need nutrition for your health?

Contact me now: 0145835355, 0128714850

Wednesday 9 October 2013

Being A Better Me

Hello's your day?
It has been a quite hectic week with all quizzes, assignments, presentations and test! :)
Well, that's a student's life right? No problem...every student are going through the same thing.
At the same time, I'm still doing Herbalife..getting new people, trying to talk to at least 3-5 new peoples each day :) I'm having fun meeting new people everyday!
This entry is just a few sharing, a lil' bit bout myself..
Bout being a better me?
Yeah...but it doesn't mean that I'm perfect.
I'm full of imperfection but as always I'm always trying to be a better me.
Improve to be better every single day...learn from my own mistakes :)

I always tell myself that it's okay for not being perfect, but it's not okay to not improving to be a better person! Surely it's not about being the best in everything but it's all about being better than I was yesterday.
When I'm browsing through the internet, I found this!


We can't change anyone else but we always can change ourselves! Improvement starts with "I" :) people may interpret the picture in their own point of view but this time, it's my point of view... "I" is referring to me, myself :') The biggest room after all is the room for improvement. The question is are we ready to improve ourselves?
Jim Rohn once said, "For things to change, you have to change."  The he used to say, "Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change!"
All I want to do is to change! Change to be better in every aspects of life. Please pray for me, okay?
I believe that when God put me into the test, it's not to pull me down but it's about changing and strengthen me.
Flashback memories after I finished my SPM, I didn't get any offer letter to further studies to any universities so I applied for KLMU.. For the 1st time, I need to move out from Sarawak.
New environment, new people, new lifestyle....too much fun! >.<
Things does not turn out well, bad pointers and due to certain problems, I have to quit studying there...I keep blaming myself for doing the wrong decision. I've felt being left out!
I often forgot that God is actually planning for something better. Silly me....
Then I got another chance to further my studies in UiTM Kuala's totally different environment if I want to compare it to KLMU. Being somewhere I've never thought of!
Somewhere so peaceful, "kampung" environment...with all those cows...ahahaha.
I've been crying too much.. it's very challenging to try to survive in Kuala Pilah at first! However, now it's always in life starts changing there! :)
I'm making new friends..friends for life! Lots of them so I choose not to mentioned but I believe that they know who they are..thank you everyone for being with me through thick and thin.
Another best part in my chapter of life happens in Kuala Pilah too....of course losing weight part!
Too tired of being so fatttttttttttttttttttttt! getting into better shape but trying to lose more fats of course!


My angel, Aisyah... tq so much babe :')

She's the one introducing me to change my life 360 degree! I was having typical mindset in the to get good results so that can get better job but with Herbalife, I'm earning while studying! Thanks God, thanks Herbalife..
There's no word to describe how thankful I am.
Once again, thank you coach for being too patient with me...huu~
She's more than a coach, a sponsor...she is my friend for life! She taught me to eat broccoli the result, I'm a broccoli lover now!teehee~
Is that count as an improvement too?

Beginning of the journey isn't always the great but in the end, it's JUST TOO MEANINGFUL!

Thanks mum, dad & wek for believing in me and supporting me when I was at the lowest point of life.... I may not be the perfect child but I'm trying my very best so that I can be a child that you'll be proud of...surely Carol & Celes will do the same too. Amen. *teary eyes*
A lot of changes happen in my life. From being too stubborn, I'm now learning to listen carefully to other's opinions... I've been too negative and now I'm trying to be positive in all situations.. I was being too dependent on others, now I'm trying to sort things out on my own and I can see how it changes me :') Thanks God for this opportunity to change. Thank you for blessing me more that I deserve.
I have no idea bout what I'll go through in UiTM Shah Alam right now..but I've choose to believe that God have another best plan! Let's have faith, pray hard, study smart, work even harder to help people changing their lives ;)

"Walk by FAITH"

I'm wishing to be better every single day...and I hope we can be better than we were yesterday, together!

Are you looking for opportunity to change life? 
If you're looking for solution to manage weight, improve health, earn side income (part time) without affecting your works or studies?
I'm ready to coach you! Contact me now...

CHRISTINE : 0145835355, 0128714850

#I wish I can say please ignore my broken English!but I'm glad if you're willing to correct it for me ;)

Sunday 29 September 2013

Once Again...I'm a Student!

Hello semua...
Buat apa petang ni?
Saja la nak update blog after pening revise subject Physics & Maths :)
Sambil relax2, decide nak update entri baru.
Tapi bukan nak cerita pasal important thing...just sharing bout my experience being a student again..
After almost a year duduk rumah, now dapat rezeki untuk further study :)
Thanks God for this opportunity!
Surely it's another new gets tougher, zaman degree dah sangat berbeza dengan zaman diploma...peringatan untuk diri sendiri, sila la insaf!
haha...tak boleh malas2, tak boleh enjoy2, kena focus!
I've been in UiTM Shah Alam for more than a week...
1st week kat sini boleh dikatakan agak mencabar!hehehe....homesick melampau! Macam la pernah pulak aku ni tak homesick kan....homesick tu wajib!
Tapi perasaan masuk UiTM Shah Alam ni lain sikit compared to mula2 pegi UiTM Kuala Pilah dulu...hehehe...experience kat Kuala Pilah lagi dashyat kot! Cumanya kat sana masuk sama2 dengan new students, so tak awkward sangat la...sebab semua muka2 baru jugak.
Tapi tak semua benda ikut perancangan kita sebab semuanya ketentuan Tuhan :) Tuhan dah rancangkan yang terbaik so what should we do now?? Be thankful and count our blessings :)
My 1st week here, banyak benda nak catch up sebab dah tertinggal kuliah for about 2 weeks..
Masuk2 je kuliah, dah start dah Quiz 1 for few subjects...
No problem...1st quiz maybe didn't perform well but will work harder for the upcoming quizzes and tests.
Somehow I'm so thankful to all batch-mates, very helpful...ada yang sudi fotostatkan notes, tolong ajarkan Maths & Physics...I'm so touched! semoga kita semua dapat manfaat from everything that we've shared :)
Like what I've mentioned before, 1st week agak mencabar tapi hati dan perasaan still under control :)
1st sekali sebab dapat kawan2 baru yang baik...batch-mates + roommates and tak lupa jugak kawan2 kat Kuala Pilah dulu (yang mana bila kat sini, dah jadi my senior...thanks a lot Jazmina (my miawwwww)..hahahaha...memang dia la yang jadi ala2 GPS around Fakulti Sains Gunaan ni. Yang lain2 yang turut membantu secara tak langsung, tak boleh nak mention semua but hopefully you guys know that I'm so thankful! ;)
Back to Jazmina! Even 1st class kat DK Alfa pun dia tolong teman tunggu depan DK until aku masuk! Serious rasa cam anak yang dihantar oleh mak masuk darjah 1...hahaha..tq so much babe! I love u..


Another reason sebab I consumed the best nutrition in the entire world! HERBALIFE NUTRITION
Of course bila sampai kat sini, tak tau pun selok belok campus dan makan minum pun memang tak tentu...1st 2-days here, totally depends on Herbalife Shake!Tak risau pun pasal makan sebab Herbalife is the most suitable meal replacement for me...


1 canister of my Strawberry Shake habis in 1 week...syukur sangat ada Herbalife, so tak kebulur! Segelas shake tu ibarat sepinggan nasi...paling best sebab full of nutrients needed by body cells and very low calories!
Sebab under pressure sikit, 1 bottle of my Herbal Aloe Concentrate & Omega3 Fish Oil habis in 1 week jugak. Memang cepat habis sebab untuk calm down, memang aku perlukan lebih Strawberry Shake and Herbal Aloe Concentrate for this 1st week...Herbal Aloe tu contain extract chamomile yang boleh menenangkan :)
Makan produk dengan sangat banyak sebab 1st week tu dah start demam...body try nak adapt dengan new aku dah lama tak stay up untuk study. Syukur juga demam tu cepat baik sebab provide nutrisi terbaik untuk sel badan..pagi2 memang tak pernah tinggal lagi 1, 2, 3 breakfast!

Must-have-BREAKFAST to start my day!

Sekarang banyak benda baru kena belajar...haha...maklumlah, dah lama duduk rumah. Masa buat Herbalife, mana ada homework...mana ada nota dan formula nak kena hafal kan? :)
Tapi no problem! Nama pun masuk belajar, kena la struggle lebih.
Since banyak dah topic aku tertinggal so wajib stay up untuk study. Then untuk stay up memang minum NRG tea Herbalife...sebab kalau setakat stay up tu memang mampu je nak buat tapi aku perlu NRG tea untuk extra FOCUS, mental kena alert! Kawan2 yang rasa susah nak stay up or focus malam2, maybe boleh try NRG tea ni :) it really works for me *iklan sebentar*

Tido lambat sebab stay up! Another thing appears on my face! JERAWAT yang sangat tak diundang!huhuhu..kalau dulu susah hati sangat setiap kali jerawat tumbuh sebab susah nak hilang + parut kekal...tapi Herbalife ada solusi jugak untuk jagakan kulit..nutrisi luaran pun aku guna dengan sangat banyak! 
Pencuci muka sekarang memang guna Herbalife products, Multivitamin Nourifusion set (normal to oily) :) 
Other than that everyday guna clarifying mask untuk buang sel2 kulit mati...aku suka sangat mask ni sebab even masa tengah tepek kat muka, aku still boleh bercakap. Best kan?

Clarifying mask + soothing gel! :)

Soothing gel memang setiap malam kena sapu kat seluruh muka. Kulit muka aku sangat sensitive so of course need extraaaaaaaa care. Selain tu, soothing gel ni boleh redakan fever aku dengan lebih cepat...I don't know if others feel the same too tapi setiap kali suhu badan naik, aku sapu je soothing gel kat dahi and bahagian2 badan yang terasa panas, after 30mins-1hour dah turun balik suhu badan. Lagi 1, kat sini aku kena jalan kaki ke fakulti... eh, bukan aku sorang! semua orang kena jalan kaki gi fakulti..hehe...tapi orang lain relax2 je...
As usual, aku memang slalu lain dari yang lain...orang lain relax je, aku sorang sunburn! My goodness....dulu2 buat roadshow tak la sampai sunburn teruk!
Sekali lagi soothing gel jadi penyelamat di saat2 genting macam ni.
2 hari tepek soothing gel banyak2 kat muka, muka dah okay.. bekas sunburn pun tak nampak sangat. Syukur :')
So bagi aku soothing gel ni multi-purpose! 1 of my must-have product! 

maybe sesetengah orang rasa kadang2 kekangan masa membuatkan mereka tak boleh nak beri extra care untuk body and skin...don't worry! Herbalife have the solution! Student yang sangat busy pun boleh je jaga badan...penting la nak jaga badan, beri nutrisi terbaik...kalau jatuh sakit, seriously susah nak study..betul tak? :) 
If you know who's looking for a solution to manage weight (lose or gain weight), improve skin complexion or even looking for a solution to earn side income from RM300-500 monthly.....feel free to contact me!

CHRISTINE (0145835355, 0128714850)

P/S: Anyone around UiTM Shah Alam yang nak FREE BODY ANALYSIS + FREE SHAKE TESTER boleh contact saya laju2... :)

Wednesday 25 September 2013

Kami dan Herbalife

Hai semua!
Lama dah tak update blog...
Hari ni just nak share pasal kami dan Herbalife :)
Ramai yang selalu tanya if budak2 boleh ke tak consume Herbalife ni...
So nak share consumption of Herbalife untuk kami...
Kami whole family dah start consume Herbalife sekarang ni...semua tanpa ada yang terkecuali!
My mum, dad, brother, sister and my aunt... ;) so everyday semua orang memang consume healthy breakfast.

Healthy breakfast for the entire family!

My mum, dad and aunt memang consume untuk sihat dan dapat healthy breakfast sahaja...
My brother pulak consume untuk gain weight (of course gain muscle not fat) while my sister and I consume Herbalife ni untuk improve skin complexion dan paling penting untuk turunkan lemak2 dalam badan ni....hehehehe
Herbalife is a GLOBAL NUTRITION for everyone!
So tak perlu risau pun if nak bagi kat family... :)

I've been consuming Herbalife for more than a year!

In my family, of course I'm the 1st 1 who consumed this amazing nutrition!
Then dah dapat result best, WAJIB la share dengan family..
Kalau nak sihat...please,please,please jangan sihat sorang2.
Semua orang kena sihat bersam-sama :)
Kat bawah ni share jugak testimoni my mum and brother.

Ni real tak?

My brother improved his health + gain weight. Latest dah gained about 5kg MUSCLE!

Most of them just tukar sarapan pagi je...tak ada pun yang skip nasi dalam sehari...
Mana lagi nak dapat sarapan pagi with complete 55 nutrients kan? That's why we choose Herbalife.
Orang2 yang consume Herbalife still boleh makan nasi problem :)
Kami 1 family still makan nasi setiap hari...hehe
Sometimes ada yang risau sebab takut budak2 tak boleh consume...adik lelaki saya dah consume half year, so far semua okay..syukur.
The best gift I can give to my family is HERBALIFE NUTRITION.

Tak ada sesuatu yang lebih menggembirakan daripada berkongsi kesihatan yang baik dengan ahli keluarga.
Anda maybe punya kawan2, saudara mara atau family yang serious dan interested nak jadi lebih sihat macam kami...
Jom sms saya laju2..

CHRISTINE: 0145835355, 0128714850

p/s: anyone kat UiTM Shah Alam nak FREE BODY ANALYSIS + SHAKE TESTER boleh contact saya cepat! :)