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Thursday, 9 August 2012

From UGLY to BEAUTY :)

morning!have you had your shake today?
pagi2 dah minum 400ml strawberry shake! tummy loves it..anda dah minum shake?kalau belum,jom start SEKARANG
*sempat promote..hehehe
hari ni nak share tentang testimoni dengan Herbalife ;)
And of course share testimoni sendiri la dulu kan?
Okay..before start Herbalife, muka sangat berminyak, banyak black head, pimples pun tumbuh agak merata-rata, ye la, makan dengan sangat tak berdisiplin, muka pun tak jaga betul2...mana la muka nak lawa2 kan?haih...serius nampak cam tua giler okay! *teruknya la.. >.<

tak payah cakap, memang hodoh -____-",korang tau ke tu gambar aku?

Ni after few months with Herbalife:

Sebab apa letak both pic ni?sebab pic ni la antara yang paling natural, I just put on light make, can you see the difference now? :D hehehehe
Nak tau rahsianya, now takkan jadi rahsia dah!
Every morning, memang akan guna Nourifusion Set, Normal to Oily skin (sebab muka aku berminyak pilih set yang ni)

Lepas cuci muka, then guna toner & last skali lotion :)
*kalau korang jenis yang ada kulit kering, try la Nourifusion Set: Normal to Dry.
Then tengah hari time panas2 tu, I prefer to wash my face using Radiant C Daily Scrub ni:
Sangat best & refreshing!muka pun rasa sejuk, halus je after guna...kalau tak percaya, cepat2 la try!

Okay!next is Herbal Aloe soothing must-have-item kat rumah aku!kalau ada jerawat nak tumbuh,even kecik cenonet je..mmg kitorang akan sapu cepat2!
dalam family aku, Herbal Aloe ni multipurpose, letak kat pimple so that cepat mengecut & tak sakit langsung..then boleh letak kat ruam baby,kitorang dah try kat ruam cousin aku, sapu malam ni, esoknya ruam tu jadi kering & tak merah2 sangat dah. cousin aku pun tak nangis2 time mandi..
Other than that, kitorang sapu kat parut jerawat juga, rajin2 sapu everyday, parut akan hilang bit by bit..
Very simple kan nak guna products..sama je dengan cara guna products lain tapi resultnya jauh lebih INCREDIBLE! hehehe..korang bila nak try?

And ni pulak testimoni pengguna Herbalife yang lain: Aizat.nampak beza giler muka dia kan? Of course jadi makin handsome!
Kitorang in the same team, so kalau ada any events tak kira la HOM, STS or Extravaganza, memang akan jumpa Aizat ni..Tapi tolong jangan terpikat, sebab dia dah no longer available..hehe..he's one of a daddy-to-be :) 
Congrats Aizat & Nani :D *tak sabar nak tengok baby korang...
Btw, boleh tengok kan, bukan perempuan je nak muka diorang nampak lawa..hahaha

And please...tak semestinya lelaki yang jaga muka tu lelaki jambu, semua nak jaga muka so that nampak bersih & kemas. Agree? :)
Takkan lelaki nak muka cam kartun Bepop(tak tau spelling betul ke tak..)..kalau korang baca komik Lawak Kampus, jerawat dia besar2, pastu slalu pecah2..buruk okayyyyy!geli pulak tu..

to those yang tak tau, ni la Bepop...haa...nak ke muka camni? 
*sorry Bepop, terpaksa jadikan watak kau as contoh kat blog aku.. btw, thanks Mr. Google.

1st time jumpa Hafiza ni time gi Extravaganza Singapore 2012 ;) 
serius kalau cam kat gambar sebelum Herbalife, memang tak berani nak tegur la kan.even .tapi now dah cantik!lawa!dah nak jadi Herbalife's bride dah pun...sbb dah jumpa dengan Herbalove dia ;) Congrats Hafiza & Syamil!

Ni testimoni pengguna lain:

Korang dah decide nak transform from ugly to beauty? ASK ME HOW TO START NOW :)

CHRISTINE : 0145835355

Rejection makes me stronger :)

"A rejection is nothing more than a necessary step in the pursuit of success."-Bo Bennett

Pernah tak experience tons of rejection, especially from people that are so close to us..
As for me rejection ni memang benda normal.. :D Honestly, mula2 start Herbalife memang sangat sedih bila some friends of mine bagi rejection...some look down on MLM. But until when we want to keep on listening to others?
It's your future, isn't it? Do you always let people decide your future for you? Start to think back, where will other people's decision will takes you after few years from now..
Sebab kalau kita ambil dari segi positif, rejection can make us stronger! Nak negatif2 buat apa kan?Buang masa..
Pastu nak down lama2,serius tak membantu kita jadi lebih produktif. Get up NOW!Double the business, double the activities :) 
Some says, "tak minum shake Herbalife pun saya boleh keep fit, just be more discipline & exercise regularly." *memang sangat bagus, tapi tak semua orang ada masa macam you...
"cakap Herbalife bagus, tapi mahal sangat!" *okay,no problem.but in case you get sick,then masuk hospital & you'll know which 1 is more expensive, Herbalife or hospital's bills.
"Herbalife ni sama je macam MLM lain".... *How do you know, have you attend any of Herbalife's events before?
"saya dah try banyak MLM tapi tak berjaya". & bla..bla..bla...what so ever.
So pengajarannya, kalau nak tau Herbalife ni sama ke tak dengan MLM lain, sila la datang Herbalife's Customer Day. Datang sekali je pun dah cukup, kalau still rasa Herbalife ni company yang menipu, tu terpulang. Sebab dalam Herbalife, kami tak decide untuk individu lain, takda paksaan so you are free to decide. :)
Just give yourself a chance..Herbalife is opportunity for everyone.
Kalau nak list down setiap rejection tu memang sangat membuang masa..cukup la bagi pembayang camtu kn? hehehe..
Just remember, no matter how hard something is at the moment especially when lots of people rejects you, it will all be worth it at the long as you believe in yourself,believe in God & of course believe in your dream in Herbalife :)

Even it's hard to reach the Everest, but the Everest can't grow bigger, but as human being we can. Keep climbing to the top! - Sridhar (General Manager of Herbalife Malaysia)

In Herbalife, rejection tu sangat normal..tapi kita tak perlu la stay lama2 kat orang yang suka buat kita down. Tak perlu stresskan diri dengan benda mengarut..sebab Herbalife is SIMPLE, FUN & MAGICAL! :D

Kalau orang reject, don't give up! NEVER!!! sebab tak semua orang akan reject kita buat Herbalife..who knows bila orang yang pernah reject kita tu nampak how we grow in Herbalife, diorang boleh terbuka hati nak join & jadi business partner kita. 
Our mission is too big to give up just keep on helping, let the rejection makes us stronger & more consistent in our business.. Keep on looking forward, help more people then just pray for the best God can give to us. Very simple!
Negative people can't stop us! Remember that! :D
Kalau ada positive & serious people who want to get healthy, manage weight, & earn extra income $$$$...feel free to contact me :)

CHRISTINE : 0145835355

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

I'm the BOSS :)

Hye everyone!
Sudah minum shake hari ni? tak kisah la untuk sarapan or sahur..a shake a day, keeps the doctor away ;) 
Now tengah menjalani Latihan Industri untuk my final semester!
Dah 2 bulan praktikal kat sini & memang sangat banyak benda yang aku dah observe, bila balik rumah aku akan fikir dengan sangat detail tentang each & every single things that I've seen..huhu
Bukan la maksudnya aku takda kerja sangat nak buat..hahaha
I try to relate it with myself & my Herbalife's life.
*bukan jugak bermaksud aku look down dengan pekerja2 kat sini...of course tak!
But from what I've observe, memang sangat susah jadi pekerja bawahan which means, YOU HAVE A BOSS and YOUR BOSS IS ALWAYS RIGHT!

Balik kepada some situations here, huhu..tempat ni memang best untuk LI's students sebab banyak sections for attachment, samples memang sentiasa ada, sometimes boleh experience pergi breeding farms (which I find quite interesting but WILL BE THE LAST THING I WANNA DO IF THERE STILL GOT OTHER CHOICE.. anyway, I LOVE IT BECAUSE IT MAKES MY WHY IN HERBALIFE STRONGER!)
Sebab tak ramai officers, one person have to do multiple jobs which mean dia kena in-charge of few sections..of course sangat memenatkan!
Then when it comes to festive seasons...memang some people kena standby kat office, tu kira okay lagi kan sebab orang yang nak beraya still boleh dapat cuti!
BUT... bila ada masa nak ambil leave sebab stress, penat kerja, nak spend few extra times with family, BOSS TAK NAK APPROVE! dengan alasan takda orang boleh replace them on their section -__-" nampak tak yang boss tu memainkan peranan yang sangat penting? sampai kadang2 kena lebihkan boss berbanding family?? :(
so nak tak nak, kena dengar cakap boss la!even diorang nak sangat cuti tu..tapi tak mampu nak buat apa2 sebab RULE #1 tu!huhuhu...
Nak direlatekan dengan my Herbalife's life, even now tengah buat veryyyy PART-TIME, dah mampu untuk bersyukur sangat2 sebab boleh spend time a lot of time dengan family..

Do you know that 3 basic things in Herbalife include...
1) Spiritual Life
2) Personal Life (Own Life + Family Life)

Kalau orang tanya, who's your boss? You can proudly answer;
sangat banyak kelebihan being an Independent Herbalife's Distributor..jadi boss sendiri, takda orang nak paksa kita kerja...kita set masa kerja sendiri nak start early in the morning then sebelah petang spend masa dengan family saja pun No Problem! Siap ada upline/sponsor lagi yang boleh support kita bila kita down, need someone to talk to... Dalam Herbalife ni, EVERYONE IS OUR FAMILY! Siapa tak nak ada biggggggggg family?
Plus, kita ada banyak masa untuk beribadat, banyak masa untuk family & diri sendiri, boleh improve our own life dengan menghadiri banyak events Herbalife! THE MORE WE LEARN, THE MORE WE EARN.. :D

ramai juga yang tanya senang tak buat Herbalife? senang atau tak tu depends dengan diri kita, kalau kita postifif & rasa senang, senang la..kalau nak negatif2, rasa susah, stress, memang la akan jadi susah! Principles nya sangat mudah kalau nak start berjaya dengan Herbalife; be teachable, committed, serious, attend every events! 
Herbalife is SIMPLE, FUN & MAGICAL!
haa..mudah kan? just work on our mind set, betulkan niat nak tolong orang, rezeki tu ada di mana2 :) jangan lupa doa dulu before nak start semua benda..tu yang paling penting!
so kenapa tak pilih Herbalife as a career? tak kisah kalau nak buat PART TIME / FULL TIME..asalkan jangan cakap NO TIME!
kalau tak boleh decide sekarang, NO PROBLEM.. FEEL FREE TO ASK ME FOR MORE!
Christine 0145835355, 0128714850