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Thursday 9 August 2012

Rejection makes me stronger :)

"A rejection is nothing more than a necessary step in the pursuit of success."-Bo Bennett

Pernah tak experience tons of rejection, especially from people that are so close to us..
As for me rejection ni memang benda normal.. :D Honestly, mula2 start Herbalife memang sangat sedih bila some friends of mine bagi rejection...some look down on MLM. But until when we want to keep on listening to others?
It's your future, isn't it? Do you always let people decide your future for you? Start to think back, where will other people's decision will takes you after few years from now..
Sebab kalau kita ambil dari segi positif, rejection can make us stronger! Nak negatif2 buat apa kan?Buang masa..
Pastu nak down lama2,serius tak membantu kita jadi lebih produktif. Get up NOW!Double the business, double the activities :) 
Some says, "tak minum shake Herbalife pun saya boleh keep fit, just be more discipline & exercise regularly." *memang sangat bagus, tapi tak semua orang ada masa macam you...
"cakap Herbalife bagus, tapi mahal sangat!" *okay,no problem.but in case you get sick,then masuk hospital & you'll know which 1 is more expensive, Herbalife or hospital's bills.
"Herbalife ni sama je macam MLM lain".... *How do you know, have you attend any of Herbalife's events before?
"saya dah try banyak MLM tapi tak berjaya". & bla..bla..bla...what so ever.
So pengajarannya, kalau nak tau Herbalife ni sama ke tak dengan MLM lain, sila la datang Herbalife's Customer Day. Datang sekali je pun dah cukup, kalau still rasa Herbalife ni company yang menipu, tu terpulang. Sebab dalam Herbalife, kami tak decide untuk individu lain, takda paksaan so you are free to decide. :)
Just give yourself a chance..Herbalife is opportunity for everyone.
Kalau nak list down setiap rejection tu memang sangat membuang masa..cukup la bagi pembayang camtu kn? hehehe..
Just remember, no matter how hard something is at the moment especially when lots of people rejects you, it will all be worth it at the long as you believe in yourself,believe in God & of course believe in your dream in Herbalife :)

Even it's hard to reach the Everest, but the Everest can't grow bigger, but as human being we can. Keep climbing to the top! - Sridhar (General Manager of Herbalife Malaysia)

In Herbalife, rejection tu sangat normal..tapi kita tak perlu la stay lama2 kat orang yang suka buat kita down. Tak perlu stresskan diri dengan benda mengarut..sebab Herbalife is SIMPLE, FUN & MAGICAL! :D

Kalau orang reject, don't give up! NEVER!!! sebab tak semua orang akan reject kita buat Herbalife..who knows bila orang yang pernah reject kita tu nampak how we grow in Herbalife, diorang boleh terbuka hati nak join & jadi business partner kita. 
Our mission is too big to give up just keep on helping, let the rejection makes us stronger & more consistent in our business.. Keep on looking forward, help more people then just pray for the best God can give to us. Very simple!
Negative people can't stop us! Remember that! :D
Kalau ada positive & serious people who want to get healthy, manage weight, & earn extra income $$$$...feel free to contact me :)

CHRISTINE : 0145835355

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