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Sunday 3 February 2013

Best Spectacular Ever!

Salam Zero2Hero! Salam Extravaganza!!!!!!
Spectacular was over... :) Have you had your shake today??
Seriously out of 2 Spectacular I've attended, this was the BEST SPECTACULAR EVER!
1st Spectacular, pegi berdua sahaja dengan my beloved sponsor, Aisyah Rahman...
Nak dijadikan cerita, pergi sehari je pulak tu -____-" nasib baik sempat tengok Stephan Gratziani ;) hehehee~
But in 2013, kami hadir full 3-days-training!!!!!! syukur :')
Kalau 1st Spectacular, aku masuk training Ahad je...tapi kali ni, aku qualify Supervisor Training yawwwww~

Next year nak qualify Leadership Training & Freshman Class pulak! *doa ketat2, tolong doakan saya k*
Then for my 2nd Spectacular, kami bawa orang!!!!!!woohoo~ *clap!clap!clap!*

Aku bawa 8 orang! ;) *yeay* congrats you guys! Let's go GenH Pres Team!

Best lagi sekali sebab aku bawa sorang downline Non Gen-H a.k.a Gen-2!wowwwwwwww~

Amazing kan nenek sedara aku? belum consume products lagi tapi decide terus ke Spectacular!
Sila malu if Gen-H (distributors bawah 30 tahun) tak attend Spectacular 2013! :)

My young uncle, now my Senior Consultant! I love you~ hehe

My beloved downline, Aslina! Stay in Negeri Sembilan for almost a week, semata-mata sebab tunggu Spectacular!

From left, beloved downline named Habidatul Syuhada...beli tiket veryyyyyy last minute but decide utk datang Spectacular jugak. Congrats babe! You're at the right place, at the right time!

Banyak gilerrrrrr belajar kat's not only bout business but it's about LIFE! I repeat, LIFE!
Banyak benda aku kena improve sebab I have to be a good leader so that I can produce better leaders in the future in my organization...
Teringat sebelum ni aku selalu down sebab isu "DISCOUNTING" tapi bila attend Spectacular, mata terbuka besar2. During Supervisor Training...Executive Pres Team Allen Peter said something like this "Kalau orang tu tak beretika, dia akan menarik orang yang tak beretika masuk ke dalam organisasi dia.
So I start to think again, memang betul pun...sebab dalam Herbalife ni duplication adalah salah satu perkara wajib! Kalau aku tak beretika, mesti orang2 dalam organisasi aku pun akan duplicate apa aku, kenapa aku nak down kan?aku tak dapat customer yang suka minta discount2, aku patut bersyukur...Chill-lah!!!!
As always, we always want the best for our I've decided to go GETeam in 2013. I'll do it for my family & for my team! :) May God shows us the best way to grow and help more people in term of health and wealth.
Our most inspiring mentor...Pak Yang & Mak Yang, we love you. No. 1 Pres Team in Malaysia!
Mak Yang said, "you kena berjaya untuk bangsa you.grow fast, if dah ada 50 orang downline di Sarawak.nanti Mak Yang datang." :') *thank you so much for the words, Mak Yang*

Top 10 Mill Team, Kak Nadiah Mohamad & Abg Firdaus! Our beloved upline, you both have inspired us a lot...thanks for everything..we will work harder.

ALL EXCUSES ARE EQUALS! Kalau akak yang OKU ni boleh, tak ada alasan la orang yang cukup sifat tak boleh buat Herbalife!

My DIAMONDS in the making... Let's go GenH Pres Team everyone!

Parts of Aisyah's team! ;)

Side by side, we're ALL FAMILY!

We had our dinner at "floating" restaurants!

yummy!yummy! *Nampak tak muka aku ngan Aisyah dah improve banyak?Kitorang masukkan nutrisi banyak2 dalam badan jeeeee...*eh, sempat promote!*

This was during Mega Post-Meeting with 20K Pres Team, Aunty Rahimah a.k.a Mak Yang (but spelled as Y.O.U.N.G) ;)
At the end of Mega Post-Meeting, Mak Yang pesan sapa nak tukar pin this year kena la bergambar guna tag orang2 yg dah tukar this is the picture of US with GET Team's tag!

Cik Zuraini, teehee~ sideline yg kenal dari social network last we met eyes to eyes, babe! ;)

Me & Zu with Cik Aisyah, sponsor kesayangan saya!

We'll never give up...Doakan kami semua tukar pin this year, okay! Kami nak tukar 3 pin. AMEN.

Oh btw, I'm looking for SERIOUS business partner who needs to get healthy (maintain, gain or lose weight; improve healths) & who want to earn side income around RM300-2000 monthly just by working for about 3-4 hours per day! :) 
Contact me now!
Christine: 0145835355, 0128714850

If you just missed Spectacular 2013, make sure you'll be there in Extravaganza in Bangkok!

Call or sms me for early bird tickets!

*Done blogging, now is the time to follow up customer and help more people..Have a good day people!* 
Focus on EOM! Let's FINISH STRONG Herbalifers! 

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