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Tuesday 2 April 2013

I will STAY for you

hey everyone..have you had your shake today? :)
cam lama sangat tak update blog..
tapi entri punya tajuk ada sedikit poyo..hahaha..tak boleh blah!
but actually makna entri ni sangat mendalam..(belum type banyak2, air mata dah bergenang)

1 of the quote that I love the most! :)

Tak boleh decide pun in the beginning untuk ke STS Kuching last week but bila doa2, macam banyak kali teringat downlines di Kuching which is mostly UNIMAS' students.1 of the main reason kenapa keep on teringat sebab selalu flashback when I started doing Herbalife kat universiti..bangun tido teringat Kuching lagi so I've make up my mind and bought flight ticket to go to Kuching...good news masa tu beli 5 early bird tickets tapi downlines yg datang ada 5, so beli another extra ticket. :) keep promoting and inviting till the last seconds!hahaha...
Paling best, sebab pegi Kuching bayar tiket STS sama macam orang lain but QUALIFY SPECIAL TRAINING + we attended the SPECIAL DINNER too!!!!!woohoo~happy tu tahap boleh buat chicken dance la..hahaha

We're on Gen-H Table!

Muka lapar aku ngan Kak Zai!teehee~

siap boleh conteng2 tissues while waiting for the foods..haha

this is yummy!

Saja upload gambar makanan, nak bakar downline2 that next time they will qualify!haha

Enough bout the foodies! Training last Friday with President Team from US, Clint Grimberg :') amazing training ever, sebab 1st time lepas ni all my downlines pun WAJIB qualify!
Masa Spactacular, one of my dream is to have a special training with Clint...walk-in song dia cam terngiang-ngiang kat telinga..
"You can throw your hands up
You can be the clock
You can move a mountain
You can break rocks
You can be a master
Don't wait for luck
Dedicate yourself and you can find yourself"... :)

Kali ni tak tau kenapa rasa sangat touching bila pandang muka2 downlines memang aku selalu touching2?'s okay to cry for something or somebody that worth it, right?
we met for few hours but rasa macam dah kenal lama, well in Herbalife; side by side we're family ;)
I know they have a BIGGGGGGG DREAM for themselves and their family too..
Tak faham masa 1st event, no problem..even kitorang yang dah pergi numbers of HOM, STS, Zero2Hero, Spectacular, Extravaganza pun need to go to every event over and over again to improve..tak tau apa2 for the beginning pun no problem!Ikut je apa upline cakap...hehe..1 day u'll understand better than before :) Always be teachable!

Muka blur Wan..hahaha

A'an pun share tau!

Semangat tak Kevin cakap? :) His WHY is his parents. :')

They shared for the 1st time! teehee~that's a good start...even they're a lil' bit shy2! problem!they need to overcome it!we're not born to be SHY!

Our Post Meeting! :') Bangga dengan orang2 yang stay till the end..

Gambar ni kebetulan dapat masa refresh News Feed FB, Kak Saf share :')

Our success does not happen by accident, right?
If we've decided to make a change, it starts with OURSELVES! Maybe akan ada orang yang tegur kita, buka hati kita untuk berubah tapi apa2 pun semua yang perlu diubah memang datang dari diri kita sendiri.
We might need to give up on something in order to achieve a REAL BIG thing in the future which we can share with lots of people :) Therefore, I need to STAY!STAY!STAY! for my team :')

To all my downlines who put their trust on me, I'm not telling u that Herbalife will be so easy in the beginning..but I can promise u that when we work hard together and always have each others' back; we will grow very fast and all of our hard work will be worth it. BELIEVE! T.E.A.M sounds so great when people said it means TOGETHER EVERYONE ACHIEVES MORE. :')

Next..flashback during the training, Clint once talked about 'DEAL'...he said, try to make a deal with your loved ones like "in the next 5 years, I will work very hard. I won't be able to see u often..BUT the reason why I'm doing it because I want to spend the time after the next 5 years with u."
serius touching sangat (lap2 air mata dlm training hall) sebab a week before aku decide untuk attend this training, I've to choose to go to the training or to stay home to celebrate my lil' brother's birthday. 
Bila keep on doa tu, Tuhan akan beri jalan terbaik..just remember that God will make a way when there seems to be no way.. :') thanks God.
At last when I bought my flight ticket, I apologized to Celestine (my lil' brother). I promised him to work hard, get home & bring his chocolate cake as soon as possible..luckily he understand that..I love u lil' bro!seriously bila dengar training Clint, teringat deal yang aku buat dengan adik aku.

Are you ready to make a small sacrifice which will turn your life 360-degree from now?

Back to the title of the entry..hehe
I will STAY for you, right?
Another 1 more thing that Clint had talked about is very meaningful...he said "If u want to take care of your mum, give her the BEST! coz mum always give u her best!" :')
No matter how hard it seems to be, how many hours I have to work...I'll always do my very best!coz mny mum deserve the best from me...I'll do my very best for my entire family, both my real family & my Herbalife family. By hook or by crook MUST work very hard to change my pin very fast, most important is to be a Gen-H President Team.. Amen.
Again, why I will stay??? I need to stay for myself, my future and my beloved family!

Do we have any DREAM? Do you interested to manage weight, improve health & have a financial freedom?? Feel free to contact me ;)

CHRISTINE : 0145835355, 0128714850

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