Hello semua! :) It's FRIDAY!!!woohoo~
Mesti ramai suka hari ni kan, especially yang tengah study or bekerja...esok hujung minggu so boleh relax2. Kalau orang Herbalife, semua hari kitorang suka...hehe..ada time freedom, flexible working hours, of we're working, we can make money everyday!
Back to the topics....hehehe
Mesti ramai suka hari ni kan, especially yang tengah study or bekerja...esok hujung minggu so boleh relax2. Kalau orang Herbalife, semua hari kitorang suka...hehe..ada time freedom, flexible working hours, of we're working, we can make money everyday!
Back to the topics....hehehe
Hari ni quite excited nak berkongsi tentang dysmenorrhoea (also known as period pain) & hormone imbalance. Why??? It's simply because most of the women on earth are experiencing this kind of problems every month during menstrual.
In this situation, most of the time u want to shout "DON'T MESS WITH ME"
Just to shary my story; dulu masa berat badan 78kg, I'm having a problem with my menstrual cycle! Sometimes I'm having my menstrual once in 3 or 4 months...kalau perempuan ada problem cam aku, memang wajib risau dan cari jalan penyelesaian.
Jumpa doktor je, memang doktor bagi pil hormon dan aku pulak bukan jenis suka ubat!so, it's seriously NO!NO!NO! Lagi2 bila dengar bestfriend cakap dia gain weight bila consume pil hormon, memang aku tak sentuh la kan...
One more thing doktor akan cakap, "kalau nak stablekan hormon memang awak kena lose weight" ...so nampak tak kat situ, kalau badan gemuk atau overweight, macam2 penyakit boleh datang..so, jom sama2 lose weight! :)
Ni testimoni aku dengan Herbalife! I LOVE HERBALIFE <3
Just nak add-in few basic infos, dysmenorrhoea is caused by the contractions of the uterus’ muscles that are forced to contract by molecular compounds known as prostaglandins. If the muscles contract, they decrease the blood supply of the endometrium.
Common symptoms include pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, nausea, sweating, dizziness, diarrhea (ni aku experience at 1 day during menstrual, but maybe some other women didn't experience it), headaches, and bloating.
Normally during menstrual, aku banyak spend masa dan work from home! Sangat freestyle, masa dan tempat kerja pun boleh pilih. Semua DMO Herbalife works dan paling penting, aku sendiri kena work!...BEST ke BEST buat Herbalife ni?
Normally 1st thing to do, I'll choose local application of heat (such as with a hot water bottle or heating pad over the abdomen and pelvic area).
Lebih kurang camni la aku tuam kat perut...
Solution untuk aku punya dysmenorrhoea, aku memang tak makan any pills. Instead of pills, aku pilih nutritional treatments je. Other than that aku minum shake 3-4kali sehari..sama macam hari2 biasa juga. Selain tu, seperti biasa aku minum teamix suam dan minum aloe banyak2...bila minum air suam, abdominal area rasa lebih selesa.
This is my nutritious breakfast for more than a year!
Sangat best minum shake Herbalife sebab boleh pilih2 perisa, cappucino, strawberry, vanilla, tropical fruit dan coklat! Siap boleh campur2 perisa lagi...normally aku suka strawberry + coklat ;)
Furthermore, Herbalife's shake is very easy to prepare :) of course la masa tengah menstrual and ada menstrual cramp confirm2 tak rajin nak masak or prepare breakfast (pengalaman sendiri ni)...nak buat shake ni, just shake or blend dan minum je...kalau susah nak telan plain shake, boleh campur2 dengan fruits and prepare macam smoothies or ice blended. Dalam shake Formula 1 tu dah siap ada Vitamin E dan magnesium. Dari hasil pembacaan aku, Vitamin E membantu untuk relieve pain and reduce blood loss. Kita perlukan magnesium pulak sebab kekurangan magnesium akan menyebabkan muscle cramp, so kat sini kita tau bahawa magnesium penting untuk muscle relaxation. Essentially the uterus is a muscle and as discussed above painful periods can be the result of too much contraction of the uterus. Research suggests magnesium can help with menstrual cramping.
Next, let's talk about symptoms of hormonal imbalance may include pre-menstrual syndrome, weight gain, allergies, skin changes, fatigue, anxiety, water retention, hair loss, facial hair growth and even depression. By balancing hormones, women may find it easier to maintain a healthy weight, maintain a regular menstrual cycle, and emits energy levels optimum.
Then bila aku google2 bout hormone imbalance, terjumpa 1 article yang mengatakan bahawa Omega-3 merupakan 1 of the solution to improve the problem! :O *mungkin korang dah lama tau, tapi since aku baru tau so aku share je la kat sini*
Proper nutrition is essential to maintain a healthy endocrine system, which regulates hormones in the body. Try to eat a diet rich in omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids.
Omega-3 fatty acids used to make cell membranes become more responsive and healthy, as well as allowing the hormone to more easily comply with the cells. It also help the body in maintaining cellular receptor site to be repaired and maintained so that the optimal condition. throughout my reading, dinyatakan bahawa Omega 3 fatty acids are thought to be helpful in preventing menstrual cramping by reducing excess levels of inflammatory molecules. They can be either from fish oil or flax oil. Solusi untuk hormone imbalance, instead of makan pil hormon aku pilih untuk consume Omega3 fish oil! Dalam masa yang sama, Omega3 fish oil pun kurangkan masalah period pain jugak...
Proper nutrition is essential to maintain a healthy endocrine system, which regulates hormones in the body. Try to eat a diet rich in omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids.
Omega-3 fatty acids used to make cell membranes become more responsive and healthy, as well as allowing the hormone to more easily comply with the cells. It also help the body in maintaining cellular receptor site to be repaired and maintained so that the optimal condition. throughout my reading, dinyatakan bahawa Omega 3 fatty acids are thought to be helpful in preventing menstrual cramping by reducing excess levels of inflammatory molecules. They can be either from fish oil or flax oil. Solusi untuk hormone imbalance, instead of makan pil hormon aku pilih untuk consume Omega3 fish oil! Dalam masa yang sama, Omega3 fish oil pun kurangkan masalah period pain jugak...
Everyday aku makan 6 biji Omega3 Fish Oil!
Other than that, kena consume healthy food untuk balancekan hormon!Nampak tak betapa pentingnya pengambilan makanan bernutrisi tinggi?..so as usual, memang aku consume lebih banyak Herbalife's inner nutrition products..shake, aloe, teamix, NRG tea, TC formula, NW formula, calcium plus!semua la... :)
Amazingly when I become a Herbalife products' lover, semua masalah sebelum ni starts to improve! Kenapa pilih Herbalife jugak? Sebab aku jenis tak rajin nak tukar2 benda makan so apa yang aku consume during menstrual sama dengan apa yangg aku consume everyday! Very simple...takda la bila sampai time period je kena tukar makan itu ini. Leceh sangat nak tukar2! Now hormon dah balance, I'm having my menstrual every month just like a normal woman..yippie! Thanks God for Herbalife. :')
Wanita2 di luar sana yang berminat nak improve masalah menstrual pain & hormone imbalance sekaligus dalam masa yang sama menurunkan berat badan, boleh contact aku laju2! 5 orang terawal yang berminat nak start program akan dapat SPECIAL FREE GIFT :) I'm looking forward to coach u!
Muka happy bila dah lose weight + improve health problems ;)
Wanita2 di luar sana yang berminat nak improve masalah menstrual pain & hormone imbalance sekaligus dalam masa yang sama menurunkan berat badan, boleh contact aku laju2! 5 orang terawal yang berminat nak start program akan dapat SPECIAL FREE GIFT :) I'm looking forward to coach u!
CHRISTINE: 0145835355, 0109700585
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