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Thursday 13 September 2012

World's Best Mum

I come out with this entry because I really miss my mum & some part of me think that she do missed me too..I haven't met her for about 3weeks.
But hopefully we're going to meet tomorrow!
I can't wait..SERIOUSLY! *do the chicken dance*
My mum might be just an ordinary lady but in my eyes, SHE'S AN EXTRAORDINARY LADY who have gone through too much things throughout her life..something that you & me might can't imagine, can't afford to go through! 
What's so special about my mum?
She carried us in her womb for 9 months ++ & in her 7th months of pregnancy, she already decided our name.. 

Christine, Caroline & Celestine :) so whenever people said my name doesn't sounds good, I'll just ignored coz I think it's soooo special!
and found another meaning of my name
thanks mum!
here's my sis & bro name's meaning:


CELESTINE (who is sometimes so annoying lil' brother!) ;)

Our name are so meaningful mum..big huggggggg! :')
There's a time when I feel so annoyed when my mum become too PROTECTIVE!
She will say, don't do this, leave that to can't do that..bla..bla..bla..let mummy do,go sit down there! Nampak tak macam mana sayangnya mummy kat kitorang sampaikan kalau boleh semua benda biar mummy buatkan?? Even Celestine tu, dah 10 tahun tak reti nak masak maggi. hahaha..maggi la benda paling simple nak prepare, tu pun memang mummy akan buatkan.
Memang dulu ada masa aku rimas sebab banyak sangat benda tak boleh buat but once I've been away from home, I'll miss to hear her voice nagging at me...complaining when I wake up late..hahaha *my bad! -____-"
& of course as always I'll miss mummy's positivity,tight hugs, good morning & good night kisses! Can you see how she treat us? Even when we get sick, she will pray, asking God to let her suffer those pain & let us be healthy. Agaknya aku la yang paling mengada kot, headache, migraine, ada ulcer & cracked lips pun nak bagitau mummy, dehydrated, kulit kering pun nak complain juga..tapi amazingnya,tak tau kenapa setiap kali lepas complain kat mummy, esok lusa confirm aku sihat! bahahahah.. Well mother's love for her child is like nothing else in the world! It might be the power of mum's prayer.. :) or else Tuhan nak tunjuk yang bonding between mother-daughter tu memang tak boleh dipisahkan.hehehe
So memang terang2 la nampak yang mummy is one of the person on earth that I can't live without!

When we failed in our test, she will said, "No problem!you've give your very best!work harder next time" She never put the blame on us!NEVER... Mummy akan keep on inspiring sampai we feel better! Her words itself memang sangat powerful...
She will keep on saying that we don't have to regret when we've given our very best. I'm so thankful that I have my mum.. Thanks God.
Kalau bout pocket money & other expenses, memang mummy daddy tanggung..time study,boleh je nak apply PTPTN tapi mummy akan cakap, selagi dia mampu bayarkan, tak perlu nak pinjam PTPTN..sebab tak nak nanti aku terbeban untuk bayar balik hutang2 tu. T____T aku tak pernah fikir sampai ke situ tapi mummy dah tolong fikirkan.
There's one day when mum called me in the morning, suddenly tanya busy ke tak then minta tolong emailkan our details to a Maybank worker..I'm a bit surprised ccoz kenapa out of sudden kena emailkan details tu..then mummy said, she took a certain amount of loan for us. Five years from now the loan will mature, we'll get the money in our bank account! I was so shocked! With that amount, mummy akan kena potongan gaji yang besar sebab duration untuk loan tu within five years! I keep on thinking why mummy ambil loan lagi sedangkan masa tu dah habis bayar. Then she replied, "takpa mummy pun takda nak tanggung apa2 sangat now, since you're doing Herbalife, mummy don't have to give you pocket money anymore. Instead of spending duit untuk diri sendiri, better mummy bagi anak2" Mummy tau I can work on my own but still dia still rasa dia ada responsibility untuk provide us with better life in the future. I become so speechless! At that moment, tears rolled down my cheek sebab seriously sangat terharu. Sampai macam tu sekali mummy fikir untuk kitorang.. I keep on wondering, can I be a good mother to my future children just like my mum??
Other than that, she knows nothing much bout my career as Personal Wellness Coach in Herbalife but she will always be my backbone, keep on inspiring me when I'm down..honestly, it's more than enough for me. Mother love is the fuel that enables a normal human being to do the impossible. So when I'm break down, I know mummy is always there for me, even when she's not in front of me, I'll just close my eyes & deep inside my heart I could feel she's so near..
She had done too much for us but there's a time she'll apologised if she can't be a good mother to us. I'm so touched :'( I wish I could convince her that she's the best we ever had!
My mummy deserve this because she's a mother who loves her children even when they least deserve to be loved!

By the way, who knows my mum's name? :) If you answer correctly, give you a cup of shake!
My mum is Catherine. ;) dulu masa sekolah rendah, cikgu2 ramai yang selalu tersasul panggil nama kitorang..bahaha..nama dekat2, biasa la tu. nak panggil anak tapi terpanggil nama mak.

Last time, I easily get annoyed when mummy keep on being busy when I get home for a week holiday..I want her to be with me since I'm having very short holiday! Then after few years, mummy suddenly told me at the airport, "I'm sorry for being so busy...It's not that I got too much chores to do but I'm actually getting myself used to it when my children are not around with me. If I spent too much time with you guys, I'll feel so lonely when your holidays are over!" 
Even if she's so busy, I could feel that she entered our room every night before going to bed. She'll slowly coming near, hug us & give us good night kiss..
My mum is 1 of my BIG WHY in Herbalife..I'm not doing Herbalife just to get rich!I have too much things to do..I just want freedom of time & lifestyle..for sure, I want it to be shared with my family. 
I want to dream big for my mum...I'm planning to get her THIS soon!!!!I'M GOING TO DREAM IT & BUILD IT! ;)
Is there anyone out there who read this entry, can you do me a favour? Please pray for my mummy so that she deserve the best things in her entire life..thank you :')
If you're looking for extra income from RM500-RM2000 monthly, committed, teachable, willing to learn more n more & serious; feel free to contact me. Herbalife is opportunity for everyone.

CHRISTINE : 0145835355 


  1. really2 a great mum! almost make me cried. happy for u babe.. (^_^)
    good choice of music too. (^_~)

  2. thank u so much babe...thanks for always be by my side!
